Get time entries

Returns an array of TimeEntry objects that contain information about employee shift events. The information includes shift start times, end times, and the start and end times of break periods.

  • Include one or more timeEntryId query parameters set to the GUIDs for specific time entries.

  • Include both a startDate and an endDate query parameter to get time entries for a specific time period.

  • Include both a modifiedStartDate and a modifiedEndDate query parameter to get the time entries that were modified during a specific time period.

  • Includes a businessDate query parameter to get the time entries with an inDate during a specific business date.

Valid requests include one or more timeEntryId parameters, both a startDate and an endDate, both a modifiedStartDate and a modifiedEndDate, or a businessDate.

query Parameters
string <yyyymmdd>

Optional date to match time entries. A time entry matches the business date if its clock-in inDate is during the business date. The cutoff from one businessDate to the next is the closeoutHour for the restaurant.

string <ISO-8601>

Optional end date and time of time period to match time entries. A time entry matches the time period if its clock-in inDate is after (inclusive) the specified startDate and before (exclusive) the endDate. The specified period cannot be longer than one month.


Controls whether the response includes archived time entries, when using the startDate and endDate parameters.

Important: this parameter has no effect if you use the modifiedStartDate and modifiedEndDate parameters or the businessDate parameter to select time entries.

  • Querying by modified date range always returns archived time entries.
  • Querying by businessDate never returns archived time entries.

This parameter is optional and the default value is false.


Optional flag to indicate whether missed breaks should be returned in the breaks array for the time entries.

string <ISO-8601>

End date and time of the time period to match modified time entries. A time entry matches the time period if that entry was modified before (exclusive) the modifiedEndDate. If you include this parameter, you must also include the modifiedStartDate parameter. The specified period cannot be longer than one month.

string <ISO-8601>

Start date and time of the time period to match modified time entries. A time entry matches the time period if that entry was modified after (inclusive) the modifiedStartDate. If you include this parameter, you must also include the modifiedEndDate parameter. The specified period cannot be longer than one month.

string <ISO-8601>

Optional start date and time of time period to match time entries. A time entry matches the time period if its clock-in inDate is after (inclusive) the specified startDate and before (exclusive) the endDate. The specified period cannot be longer than one month.

Array of strings

Optional array of one or more time entry identifiers, either the Toast platform GUID or an external identifier. 100 max.

header Parameters
string <string>

The Toast platform GUID of the restaurant that is the context for this operation.


Returns the specified time entries.


An unexpected internal error occurred. There is a requestId attached to this error that can be referenced by Toast support.

Request samples
curl -i -X GET \
  'https://toast-api-server/labor/v1/timeEntries?businessDate=string&endDate=string&includeArchived=true&includeMissedBreaks=true&modifiedEndDate=string&modifiedStartDate=string&startDate=string&timeEntryIds=string' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
  -H 'Toast-Restaurant-External-ID: string'
Response samples
  • {